Bday Lunch for My Husband W/his Co-workers - Who Pays?

Updated on July 18, 2011
P.S. asks from Houston, TX
7 answers

I would like to take my husband out to lunch for his bday. Since it falls during the week I was thinking of inviting some of his co-workers since my husband will be coming from his office...maybe 10-15 people in all. Would I have to pay for everyone's lunches if I do this? I'm not sure the etiquette on this. Help!

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answers from Dallas on

I dont think you have to pay. Send his coworkers and email saying that you are taking your husband out for his birthday and ask if they would like to come too. That is different than saying you want to take them all out for your husbands birthday.

I work in an office where this happens every once in a while and I would definitely not expect for the spouse to pay for everyone.

Bring a cake or cupcakes for everyone to enjoy.

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answers from Los Angeles on

If you invite, you pay. If they invited him, they would pay for him. Just take him out alone, I'm sure it would be a great addition to his birthday!

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answers from Dallas on

Yes, if you extend an invitation to people for a meal, it is expected that you would pay the entire bill. That is how it is in my book, I know I am not like everyone else though. My thoughts go along the lines of....

I invite = I pay

Now, some people might make a nice gesture to offer to split the bill but I personally would never invite a group of people and not foot the tab. The invitees are probably not suspecting that they would be responsible for their own tab and it puts some people on an embarrassing spot.

Don't go cheap or don't go at all.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I may say something along the lines of "hey... its Bob's Birthday. We are going out on Friday for lunch and was going to order appetizers for everyone. Want to join?" Kind of lets them know you will pick up part of it but other then that they are on their own for their meals.

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answers from San Francisco on

If a group of co-workers decides to take your husband to lunch, they would pay for their own lunch, plus would split your husband's check among themselves. However, if you invite your husband's co-workers to lunch, then you would pay. My suggestion would be to take your husband to lunch on his birthday, just the two of you. Or, if you would like to include co-workers, have a happy hour after work where you provide appetizers and they pay for whatever they drink. That is pretty common.

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answers from Chicago on

It depends on how you invite them. A coworker often does this and does invite her husbands coworkers but knows them well enough to let them know that she is taking him out and the others are welcome to join them, paying for their own lunch. She picks up the cost of dessert or sometimes brings a cake. If you just invite them and say nothing, you would most likely be expected to pay.

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answers from Rochester on

No. Everyone pays their share, but your husband. Either you pay for your husband or everyone chips in a little to cover his meal. It's his b-day afterall :)

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