Hi A..My daughters 1st birthdy is tomorrow. (070707). I couldn't figure out what to do for her birthday for a long time. However I did know that we didn't have alot of money, but I still wanted it to be special. Well, I finally decided to give her a hot pink birthday, I am super excited. I just got done cleaning the house. Anyways back to the party. I went to Dollar Tree and bought some hot pink computer paper that has little pink hearts bordering it, and did her invitations on the computer. At the top I put "its the big 1" and i'm just having a get together with some family and we are having cake and ice cream. Mia (daughter) is even wearing a hot pink outfit. It's gonna be super cute, and were gonna take lots of pics. Point of the story. Anything you do will be memorable. Don't get too stressed out over the little details. Just invite a few people and have some b-day cake and ice cream. Good luck and enjoy