A shower is a shower is a shower no matter what the label on the invitation says.
It's like this. Brutal? Maybe, but it's what your friends will be thinking when they see this invitation...believe me, they'll think it but won't say anything.
OH MY GOD!! They're begging for presents, it says no gifts but that's what they say when they want people to think of bringing a gift anyway! They must have lost their jobs or something!
Should we cancel our plans to eat out with them next week???? I think they can't afford to eat out, they're asking for gifts!
Didn't they plan this baby???? What were they thinking! If they couldn't afford to have this baby then why did they get pregnant??? If the baby was an accident they did find out in time to get what they needed, right??? Why aren't they providing for their baby themselves???
OMG!! A baby shower is for a first time mom to get the items they need so they can start off right building their family...didn't they know those things were supposed to be kept until they're done? Then if they decide to have more they have to buy their own stuff???
Wow!!! They must really be having a hard time! This is a thinly veiled attempt to get stuff for their baby! That's just sad.....Wow!
Throwing your own party is asking for gifts even if you say no gifts. NO ONE comes to a baby party without gifts. It's begging for gifts no matter what you call it.
Plus. A come meet the baby is nasty. Really? It's flu season. Every single person who'd come would be covered with germs and want to hold the baby. This act right here is why infants get RSV and Whooping Cough. So many smart moms are keeping the baby at home and away from everyone but immediate family, grandparents included in that group, so their child will have time to get past that first few weeks where they can't fight off much of anything.
What most people do. They come to the hospital to visit you and get a glimpse of the new little baby and they bring a gift then. It will be diapers and clothes but you should get a few things.
But over all, you're on the hook for everything for this baby. If you don't have stuff left over from your other kiddos then you need to start shopping around. If you can't afford stuff then find some cheap thrift stores and start stocking up.
IF you need things like a car seat and baby bed and simply can't afford them get on FB and find out if there's a give away, free page in your area. There are other places too but FB is usually a good place to start.