The decision was made for me with failed birth control... I had my 2nd not too far from a year after my first. We also have no family and I suffer from PPD. Offsetting factors were we could afford some paid help and my mom did come for a month. And my husband wanted 4 kids so he was thrilled! Didn't mean he actually helped a lot though... And his attitude was still poor at times. But you're not too old at all! I was around 38 when #2 was born. I know plenty of 1st time moms at 40 too. re: PPD, you know this time. So if the medication works, you don't have to mess around. I wouldn't let that stop you. Wait a couple of months to start trying and then chances are you'll have been at this job well over a year by the time you deliver #2. Save like crazy now if you need to to be able to hire some help after the baby to lighten the load. And then - if it hadn't been decided for me, I wonder when I'd have gone for #2 also. I still wasn't sleeping bc #1 didn't, it was horrible, I cried when I found out I was pregnant again and to be honest, the first 2 years were rough. But then it got better so I'm thankful I was kind of forced into it. So all I can say is I'm glad now and you'll have a bigger age gap which will make it a bit easier.