M. I give you a huge hug for being there for your grandson, and yes your right as he gets older things do become a tad harder, but then again your not only helping your grandson by being there for him, your daughter or daughter in law, needs you more than ever. What a wonderful grandma you are , turst me I have now an 18 yr old with CP, autism, ADD, we are bkessed he can walk and talk, communicate well, although it was hard work and worth every moment of it.. My parents did the opposite, it scared them to get close to him. Routine, helps.. do not over stimulate him, watch the sugars he eats, and repetitive actions helps him to learn easier. Do not rush him, this kids are smarter than most people think, stubborn as a mule on a trail, aphobic to loud sounds, and more loving than a new born kitten...
Blessings M. ... your this boys angel
T. Miles