Great thoughts ladies ~
Another thing too.... indoctrinate yourself with teaching tapes / cd's in the car. Set all your cd holders with great teaching from all your favorites and everytime you are in the car you will get small little "teachings" all throughout your day. With little or no effort! The Holy Spirit will mold just the right ones too for just the right moment, believe me! Plus get a really great set of Bible on Tape with some really cool voice actor ie. James Earl Jones or something. This is such a must for your little one(s) as well. What could be more soothing than to listen to God's Word, and you would be surprised how much they like it! They might even quote some to you, lol!~
Just make sure to have something else on if Hubby is not into motivational speakers.:O) Mine wasn't, but didn't care if " I " listened to them, just not with him.
When the girls were younger and sometimes still. We; them AND I would listen to motivational speakers / women of faith and others that were available on video or even just on some TV Teaching series. Folding laundry, listening while doing my dishes or any housework, I ALWAYS had someone on, just to keep my motivation for life, you know? There are some seriously great speaking available online as well just look it up.
My girls were pretty accustumed to hearing Joyce Meyers,Kate McVeigh,Dani Johnson,Paula White... and other great ladies that they even know their voices and say " Didn't you used to listen to her Momma? " ...
Plus I would really like to say....
That the ONE thing that I regret with my own parents whom I hold in highregard for their amazing faith...was that although they LIVED it, they did not really ever SHARE their intimacy for God WITH us. We "got" to go to church and we did read the Bible as a family, but the applicatoin part was pretty lacking. Somehow we received our faith through osmosis I guess, lol , Or some may say the HolyOne, but that is just MY two cents. It isn't enough to live it you must also share it, or they won't actually know what you are thinking.
I began sharing my faith as if my life would be taken tommorrow. Sort of like, Always say I love you because it may be your last chance. Not in a negative way, because I don't dwell on that, but more like, an urgency & passion to get what is inside of me - OUT... and to the most important folks first/ my family! Just to ensure that they know how to talk to God and why we talk to God and who He is , and How the Holy SPirit works, and what IS the Holy Spirit. So from the very beginning,they KNOW how to hear Him at all times; especially when we get 'busy'. Bless their hearts, the girls have been indoctinated with what my husband and I believe about every and any thing. We never hold anything back or speak down to them in " cute kid terms" just because they are little. We ask THEM what THEY think a TON too, because their faith now is inspiring as well, and they are not afraid to share it, because they do not know any different. But with respect for everyone's point of view so GOd's LOVE is what is magnified, not just our spin on things.
Now that the girls are older, we actually "set the day straight" together on the way to school. We pray and do affirmations of our faith over our day/ their day, and just anyone they think may need some extra 'prayer cover' that day.... and oddly enough sometimes it is ME they pray for , LOL!
Oh,and funnier yet; They miss it too, if my husband takes them and let's me sleep in that day...and will actually DO it even with him in the car~!
ages 9,6,4!
It has now become such a testimony to my husband.
Teaching your kids to "pray without ceasing" and just "be in God's presence" , is a active lesson, on going and ever constant. When you are at the store, when you are cooking, when you change a diaper for the umpteenth time. Teach them by sharing out loud and at the same time...this TOO becomes "your quiet time" of thankfulness and expression of praise to your creator.Pray and speak the Word of God over your life, out loud! Christ never JUST "thought about God/His Father", although that had it's place too, but mainly when something needed to change or whatever, He spoke most ALL the time Out Loud over any and all situations that required need of a saviour.
Devotional times "I" think is something of a new era we live in where "life" gets in our way because we are trying to "live" by ourselves.Yes, just taking time to breathe in life deeply and slow down for just 5 minutes even is HUGE. Do it in the shower. But for real, don't beat yourself up. I mean it took you more time to write your note on here probably, so THERE was your devotion. Your call for help. It will take you time to read all these notes, especially mine, sorry:O). You DO have a devotional life!
Stop what you are "thinking in your mind as lack" and start living at ALL times FOR Him and know that He is God, and has not left you but rather just waiting to be noticed/ recognized and know that He IS talking to you quietly. ALL the time.
Notice~ Those little first "Holy SPirit Hunches" . That first impulse you have when you should buy sugar and then your reasoning mind takes over and says, no you just bought some....but then later, you get home and the next day someone asked you to make 3 dozen cookies for some special project? THAT is God. Thank Him and give HIM the praise when you actually DO take HIS advice and you buy the sugar, and repent when you don't and do better next time!
Begin today taking HEED for everthing. Out loud in front of your little one... " What should we make for dinner Lord?" and wait...the answer will come in some sort of a confirmation in an answer or an advertisement, or some plastic food your toddler picks up in his toys!
Your devotional life is STILL intact and probably if I was guessin, even STRONGER then you think...remember. We wrestle not against flesh and blood ( phsycial time constraints )... Your life is Devotion to your Saviour. Live it.
Don't let the negative one steal your joy "in your mind" from just "being" in His presence when you are IN the journey of motherhood by making you feel "less close" to the creator because you have not set aside a some "specific time" JUST for HIM. He doesn't need it...
HE needs YOU ALL THE TIME! :O) He just needs YOU to recognize that this IS it. This IS your devotion to Him.
We love and encourage you my dear and hope that you will indeed accept the peace that He has for you today and always ; just upon asking for it. That is the whole reason Christ couldn't stay with us. He said " I must go so that the Comforter will come" .
No special prayers, no special time, just ANYTIME, and ALL the time. Relish the little tidbits of the moments of love He showers you with that He is just dieing to reach you with so you will know He loves you sooo much.
Check out the song by Barlow Girl or Zoe Girl /
" Never Alone " .....
HTH Peace~