We do AP and have two kids, so far. My older, almost three has been an independant sleeper sicnce 5 months, I wanted her in bed with us but she preferred her own bed, in our room until she wanted to go to her room when she was about 10 months she preferred the bed in there. My son starts in his bed, he is 11 months and comes to bed with us if he wakes at night. we stayed with my daughter until she fell asleep for about two years and now she is fine on her own. I still lay with or nurse or hold my son before putting him down in his bed, in our room. I just let their needs lead my actions. I felt guilty at first when I got pregnant, still nursing and felt that it would take time away from my daughter. As it has turned out she LOVES having a sibling, in fact has suggested we have more babies. It is certainly a challenge but you will take it day by day and find what works for you. I have friends who cosleep with their 3 1/2 year old and twin 9 month olds and they love it--totally attached. Babywearing will be one of your best tools, slings then front/back carriers. I tandem nurse and that has also been an evolving relationship. Lots of hugs and love and all will be ok. Please feel free to contact me and I can give you more stories and answer any other questions. Good luck.