Look for great leaders who will know how to train you to be successful. There are a lot of good companies out there, but without the proper leadership and guidance, you won't be successful at any of them. Look for a team of people that are skilled both in traditional offline marketing as well as highly skilled in the completely separate art of Internet Marketing. Learning these skills are vital to your success in whatever company you choose to get involved with.
Remember, people join people who they know, like and trust. Remember that, because that is how you will be able to build YOUR organization, once you choose an opportunity. Learn to be a leader, from a team of successful leaders and you will find your own success and wealth.
Good luck!
T. Klimson
P.S. Beware those who pitch their opportunities to you and try to convince you that they have the BEST business, as this is a good indication that they don't know how to market successfully, and therefore, won't be able to teach you either.