Anyone Know How to Get Pen Marks off of a Bumbo Seat?

Updated on March 08, 2008
C.C. asks from Chicago, IL
9 answers

My daughter decided to do a Picasso on her sister's Bumbo seat with a black pen and I can't get the marks off. Does anyone have any ideas on how to remove pen marks from rubber? Thanks!

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So What Happened?

So far the hairspray and magic eraser haven't done the trick on the pen marks. Thanks for all the great tips and I'll try the Oops product.

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answers from Chicago on

Try Mister Clean Magic Erasers...I LOVE THOSE! You can use them to clean anything except for dark colored painted walls.

We have a Bumbo and since they are sealed foam, you should be able to use the magic eraser on it without damaging it. Try a small section first to see if it works.

I use those all over my house to clean, finger prints off light color painted walls, tile grout, glass shower doors (won't scratch), bathrooms, etc.

Good luck

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answers from Chicago on

At the container store, they sell a solution called amodex - it comes in a small bottle for about $5. I used it on a maple colored desk after my kids made a mess with an exploded pen. It worked even though the stains were old since it was months later before I came across this stuff. good luck.



answers from Chicago on

My mom says that rubbing alcohol works for pen marks - good luck!



answers from Chicago on

I would try a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.....those do wonders!! Especially with pen!! Been there done that plenty of times!! Good luck!!



answers from Chicago on

Try a magic erasure. I swear those things work on almost everything.



answers from Chicago on

There's a solution you can buy at Ace called Oops ,it's a multi purpose remover. I spilled oil based paint on my wood laminate floors and it cleaned up nice. Jennifer



answers from Chicago on

Rubbing alcohol should work.

If you don't have any, try hairspray. Weird but true!



answers from Decatur on

Yes, hairspray works on ink. Also maybe try Lighter Fluid or the Magic Clean Eraser! Good Luck!



answers from Chicago on

try a white eraser. I know you can find them at the art store, but I am sure you can find them at target. They are not fancy erasers, but I have definitely removed sharpee marks off plastic with it.

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