Anyone Know a Hygienic Nail Salon in Plano?

Updated on March 05, 2007
S.K. asks from Frisco, TX
6 answers

Hi ladies,
I am terrified of getting an infection at a nail salon especially after the news 8 report so,I am in desperate search of a nice and clean(hygienic) nail salon. Any suggestions?

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So What Happened?

I still have not picked a place, hopefully soon :)

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answers from Dallas on

fancy fingers at coit and park was recommended to me as one of the cleanest in plano

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answers from Dallas on

Hi S.,

I have been getting both of my feet and toes done for 24 years now (since I was 19) and have only had 1 nail infection when I didn't go to my regular folks because they were all booked up that day. I went somewhere else and got the infection, so I have never done that again.

I go to the one in North Garland, so close to Plano, that Richardson is across the street from their shop. Off of Jupiter and Arapaho and the nail shop is called 2K nails. It is run by 2 sisters (Van & Sue) and Van does my nails whereas Sue does my toes. Both excellent girls and you won't get an infection. Pedicures are $20.00, I think and they will do a good job. I have acrylics on 4 of my toes and love it and Sue has always taken great care of my feet and they always look awesome!! Wherever these ladies go, I will follow them!

Good Luck!

G. B.

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answers from Dallas on

Park Nails in East Plano (Park and Los Rios)is the cleanest and best place I have tried. The do a fabulous job and I wouldn't go anywhere else. Ask for Ann or Tommy. ###-###-#### Good luck!

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answers from Dallas on

When I lived in Plano I used PL Nails. They are located on Legacy in the Tom Thumb strip center. I believe the intersection is Coit. Anyway, they are the cleanest I have ever seen. Clean their shop every night. I never had a nail infection and neither did my Mom after many years. I now live in Valley Ranch and got an infection so badly I can't wear them anymore. Ask for Kathy who is the owner. You won't be disappointed but call and make appt for they stay busy.



answers from Denver on

I'd love to find one too! Please share what you find out!



answers from Dallas on

JCPenney in Stonebriar has a really nice spa. I've gotten really good mani/pedis there and I've never worried about infection.

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