Honestly, it seems like you're in a pretty lousy marriage. That said, your children will be better off if you stay married, provided he isn't hitting you or them. Statistically, children do better when their parents stay married and raise the kids together. While your kiddos are still young and at home, just grin and bear it. Perhaps get a credit card to make your purchases and give him the bill to either pay or not pay - your bad credit will affect him, so hopefully he'll pay it. Obviously I wouldn't go crazy with the spending, but you have to have clothing and a safely maintained car. And I'd just sort of give up on the relationship part. Live together like roommates - be cordial and simply refuse to fight or argue with him. In a couple of years when the kids are in school, get a part time job while they're at school. Save ALL the money you can in a private savings account - I'd even open it at a different bank than your husband uses. This way you'll have your own nest egg so that you can leave him once your kids are out of the house. I know that none of this is ideal, and you're the only one in your situation, so you are the only one who can decide what will truly work for you. But from what you've written here, and knowing what I know about the statistics of kids from divorced families, I'd say that this is the best plan to take care of your kids' needs first. Good luck... and remember that just because you're stuck in a less than ideal marriage doesn't meant that you can't still have a good life. You can still read the books you want and forge supportive friendships and visit the places that you enjoy. Start trying to enjoy life on your own, while still maintaining a cordial relationship with your children's father.