I have something that you may want to look in to. I actually plan on doing this myself towards the beginning of '07. It's called LiveOps. I know first hand that it isn't a scam, cousin has been doing it since last spring while she was laid off. It's a home based customer service company. There is some pretty good info that can be found on it even by doing google search. My cousin sets her own schedule, she ususallys works at night after she has her daughter settled for the night. You log into the system when you're ready to work, and get calls coming in mainly from places like those "as seen on TV" type deals, and you take the order. What ever the product is when the call comes through, the script for that product pops up on your PC. You are paid by the minute, but I can't remember if you're paid bi-weekly or monthly. There is an upfront cost of $30 I think for your background check. You have to send a voice sample also. But you can look on the website for all of the spacifics. It's www.liveops.com definaly worth checking out. Good luck!