Myself my 3 youngest girls are all 2 years apart. My 4 year old and my 2 year old are 25 months apart, my 2 year old and my baby are 22 months apart. Shockingly there seems to be a huge difference! My 4 year old took to my 2 year old wonderfully and was the best sister I could have possibly asked for. However I experienced an insane amount of sibling rivalry between my 2 year and my baby. I actually have talked to quite a few parents who have had their children just a year or two apart, and most suggest that having at least 2 years apart is the best to avoid the sibling rivalry. Despite whatever sibling rivalry may exist though, I have found it a true gift to see all three of them grow together. They may fight and they may get jealous, but they have so much fun together, and are feircly protective of each other. Good Luck!