Anniversary Help!

Updated on July 11, 2008
B.H. asks from Bridgeport, WV
4 answers

Hi Creative Moms!!! I need help! A few years back my husband and I decided we would try to stick to the "traditional" anniversary gifts. So far we have done well but this year I am stumped!! The traditional gift for 13 years is lace and the contemporary is textiles, the middle of July!!! I know I can buy some lingerie for the lace but I wanted to be more creative than that...any suggestions????

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answers from San Diego on

Hi B., you can either buy or make a book with lace, and write a letter to your husband, an Annivarsary letter. It made his eyes water ge was so touched by it. This is what I wrote

I love you not only for what you are and who you are, but for what I am when I am with you, I love you not only for what you made of yourself, but forwhat you have helped me to become. I love you for the parts of me that you bring out, that other wise I would keep iside, I love you for putting your hand into the depths of my heart and forgiving me for all the foo,ishness and weakness that you can't help but se in there, and bringing out the best in me no one else had looked far enough to find. I love you for excepting me as I am and holding on tight to the possibilities of who I can become. I love you for the way you calm the discords within me
and adding to the music in me with faithful listening. I love you for helping me make the most of life, taking each day as it comes. I love you because you have done more to complete my life than any other person, and more thanh any fate could have done to make me happy. Your love for God and your leadership in our now 19 years of marriage is an insperation to me and has created what we are as one. Love is a symbol of eternity, it wipes out all sense of time and all fear of an end.
This was for our 19th we didn't follow the tradition, I liked the idea of coming up with our own ideas, I got a glue gun, and I bought tablet and I put material and lace on it, and of course when he opened it, right on the inside on the left I had a picture of us, the next page had a picture of all 3 of our kids, and then the letter, we've been married for 27 years, and this letter means as much to him today as it did 9 years ago. J.

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answers from Los Angeles on

Congratulations! Lace huh? How about something not only creative but fun and memorable because he can use his man-logic skills....a scavenger hunt with the clues written on thick pieces of lace, you could lead him to anything.



answers from Las Vegas on

What about a picture of your wedding day in a shadow box filled with lace, maybe even your veil (if you still have it). I would fill the shadow box with other things that are memories from each year, maybe a sea shell or broadway tickets and then add a poem or love letter (typed or embroderied on a piece of lace or lace paper)
Make the shadow box as special as you feel the marriage has been for you.

Also I have another suggestion.
Get a large wooden box and fill the box with daily love notes or cards that your hubby can read each day.
The goal is to have 352 cards or notes in the box so he can read one a day. The notes can be a long note or just a single word expressing to him how wonderful you think he is. You could even add a free coupon for ice cream or even an adult night only that he can turn into you the morning he reads it so you can be prepared for him. (my hubby loves it when I suprise him with the gift during his working hours, I change it up a bit for him so he is not always expecting it when he gets home. I have even kidnapped him and taken him on a night stay at the local hotel where he can just sleep.

Hope this was helpful.



answers from Los Angeles on

I see you're near Vegas. How about throwing on a lace veil (your's if you still have it) and go to a chapel to renew your vows?

Is he one of those guys into athletic shoes? If so get him a pair of shoes with "laces."

You could also make a little gift basket of things beginning with the letters L A C & E. Gear it towards his hobbies, fave snacks or a night of romance.

Congratulations and have a fun night.

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