MSG (monosodium glutamate)is a very likely culprit. Its really bad for humans. Some of us are more sensitive to it than others. If I ingest it, I have seizures. Same for everyone I know who has epilepsy. MSG is a brain doesn't change the food its on; it changes the chemistry in your brain so you're brain thinks it tastes better. It makes the neurotransmitters in your brain start firing off - just like street drugs do. The sad thing is that its in ALOT of foods. Its such a problem that the FDA finally mandated that MSG be listed on the label if its an ingredient (they haven't banned it because its sooo huge in the food industry). To get around the FDA rule, the food manufacturers con the public by listing it using other names such as "hydrolyzed" or "autolyzed". Chic-fil-a, MacDonalds, BKing, Taco places, Boston Market, Hooters, Wendy's (chicken), etc - all have MSG bigtime. Ramen Noodles, Chicken Noodle Soup has it. Sonic burgers are okay but not their chicken, ranch or BBQ. Some food makers & restaurants, however, take pride in having gone MSG-free. Two Rows is pretty careful and so is On The just have to start asking restaurant managers but even then, many of them don't really know b/c they get shipped in bulk w/o labels. Sorry, but if MSG is your son's problem, its probably just as well you know now so you can give him and your whole family a better diet anyway. That junk is linked to high blood pressure, obesity, cancer - so if you end up having to throw out a lot of things in your pantry and frig & start reading labels, don't be too bummed b/c ow you're alot smarter to helping your family live longer and healthier lives.