This reminds me of my first born! My boys are both really physical--meaning anything, positive or negative, comes out physically. They both need lots and lots and lots of touch; a hug means the world to them, and when they are happy, they want to wrestle, roughhouse, or snuggle. When they are angry, they hit, bite, kick, push, etc. My older is 5 and in kindergarten and my younger turned two yesterday. After preschool last year, my oldest encountered some kids hitting him; I asked the teacher what my child's role in this was. She said he was not the type of kid to hit or hurt other kids...and on the second day of school this year, he bit his friend out of frustration! Anyway--something we learned was to be very careful in our own play with our child. We often mimicked "biting" him ("I'm gonna eat your belly...nomnomnom!" kind of stuff) and so he often bit out of misplaced affection...which very quickly turned to him biting out of frustration. If you have him in an in-home daycare, maybe they could implement timeouts as per your request? If you truly think your child is learning this at daycare, perhaps a chat with the director is in order? But...for what it's worth, I DO think some kids are just built to be more physical. My kids both are good at physical things and have great body awareness--which is great for sports and agility and active play--but lousy for dealing with anger and frustration. To me, your son does not sound extraordinarily awful. Does he have words? Maybe teach him to express his feelings? We're working on that with our two year old now too...he doesn't HAVE the words, but we're encouraging them,a nd it seems to calm him down. He understands what we're saying, even if he can't do it himself. Also, I would keep being consistent. And ask your doc at your two year well child; maybe he/she has some good suggestions.