Hi M.,
I would highly recommend a Fertility specialist, if you are serious about becoming pregnant. I don't know your age, so maybe it's premature for you, but I wasted years of my life waiting for some answers from my OBGyn, and miscarried twice. The second miscarriage was twins. My hope was to become pregnant before I turned 40, and I did, under the care of Dr. Jennifer Ratcliffe (Santa Rosa, Ca.) She uncovered all of the answers for me, which an OB could not. My OB said my uterous was bi--cornuate (heart shaped) which there was no way he could have known without surgery. The fertility specialist performed surgery and said that it was in fact a septum dividing my uterous into two chambers. They removed the septum. If an embryo implants on a septum it cannot survive. She also uncovered that I was very deficient in B vitamins and put me on a strict B6, B12, Folic acid regime. Also uncovered with all the testing, I had slow dividing embryonic cells (I believe related to the B vitamins). They weren't dividing fast enough, and I lost the first pregnancy at about 6-7 weeks and bled naturally out but very painfully at home. The second pregnancy (twins), I had to have a DNC scheduled. This same OB, who was not diagnosing anything for me performed it, and did NOT get the mass. It was incomplete. I ended up miscarrying at home again. Thanks to Dr. Ratcliffe, I became pregnant on my second IUI (intra-uterine insemination) and was given progesterone suppositories to maintain the pregnancy. I have a healthy baby girl, now 5 years old, and I owe it ALL to her (Santa Rosa Advanced Fertility Specialists). If I had not been proactive in getting a complete fertility workup with her, I would still be with my OB (who by the way...told me that I was a good candidate for a donor, because my egg quality was declining!), and I would still be miscarrying and probably have "missed the boat." My baby girl was conceived with MY egg, yes my 40 year old egg... and she is perfect. So... all of this rambling may have been for nothing, because you may have more time to keep trying naturally, but if not.....RUN, don't walk, to a specialist after two miscarriages. Why wait until three? There is hope.