M., I have four boys of my own... And have been in the same boat you are in three times. Here's what I did.
I bought my husband some ear plugs. Then I moved a rocking chair into the boys' room. When they woke up at night, we would sit in the chair to eat. When they started to drift off, or become uninterested, I would put them back in thier own bed. Then I would sit back in my chair. since I wasn't leavign the room, the dozy child would normally be content and drift off so I could leave. The awake one, would generally be happy to play with a toy for a while and then lay down. If he didn't, after ten minutes, I would give him a kiss and leave the room (door open.) It is at this moment that your hubby might like those earplugs.
Five minutes later, if he was still crying, I would come back in and start the process over.
I tried to make all about the eating. No turning on lights, no music or even talking. Even humming to #2 would wake him up even more, and we could be up for hours.
Now, here's the trick: don't let them sleep extra during the day. At 8 months, he probably takes 2 naps a day. Set the timer, and both of you lay down to snooze for a while. This will make for a rough week (especially for you.) But being constant will win out. If he never gets in the bed, you don't have to kick him out of it. On your husband's days off (if he has any, mine doesn't) have him pull every other night time shift (and take turns sleeping during the day too.)
Clear your calendar for a week or so, and give this a try. A child that sleeps through the night is more important in the long run than almost anything you have do to during the day.
PS. If your child is eating some foods, try giving him something more filling (cereal, or entree) about an hour before bed. A full tummy make for less night time wake ups.