Advice, Input, Confirmation, Etc. for Sleep and 2 Yr Old

Updated on April 11, 2007
T.R. asks from Danbury, CT
4 answers

My daughter is 26 mos+ and was sleeping from about 9 pm - 7 pm with a 3-4 hr daily nap (yup!). Then about a month or so ago she started taking her nap later and then a few weeks ago she had a long nap until after 6 pm. That night, needless to say, she didn't get to sleep until about 9:30. The next day or the day after we had an birthday party and we skipped her nap, she passed out at 7 and since then she's been having later naps of 2-4 hrs and she's been getting up during the night (2-4 a.m.) and not going to sleep as easily. Last night she didn't go to sleep until 10:15! She was in her bed, came out a few times and I put her back in and she just played in there until she fell asleep, which wasn't really until we turned our lights out (our bedroom, her 8 month-old brother's and hers are all VERY close together).
Personally, I would love to have her in bed around 8; I strive for 8:30 and usually get 9 (some of it is due to our family's work schedule). So, I'm thinking that she probably doesn't need as much sleep during the day and if I keep her to a 2 hour maximum during the day she may go down earlier ... ? What do you think?
This is pre-emprive for daycare and preschool in a few months where she won't be able to sleep 3-4 hrs and will have to get up earlier perhaps to get there on time. Additionally, it's probably just her age, but she' been very rude lately and part of it may be that she doesn't get enough sleep. None of us do!! Except maybe the baby? :)

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answers from New York on

Yes less sleep during the day equals more sleep at night. 7 pm is too early for bedtime unless you want to get up at 4-5.

My son takes a short nap around 10:30 amd and then again at 1:30 (maybe 1.5 hour) then no sleep after 4:00 p.m.

A warm bath and bottle at 9:00 ensure he's asleep by 9:30.

Good luck



answers from New York on

my daughter is 2 years old as well and often takes naps still. (YEAH) my advice would be to cut down the nap length. If my daughter sleeps too long and late in the day her bedtime will not be until 10 or 11 as well. If there is not a nap by a certain time then I would suggest skipping it and trying for an early bedtime. It may not always work, but it sometimes does. good luck!



answers from New York on

Holy cow--3-4 hour naps!?! I'm lucky if my 26 month old naps for an hour and a half!
But yes, I think keeping her nap down to NO LONGER then 2 hours will help her sleeping at night. I know if my son naps ANY later then 2:00-3:00, he won't be going to sleep before 8:30.



answers from New York on

Hey T.,

Im a preschool teacher as well as a mother to a 3yr old little girl. From my personal experience, I noticed that anytime we didnt stick to my daughters schedule of a daily nap from 2:30-4:30 and bed by 8:30 (which she would sleep untill 7:30 the next morning ) she would be cranky, over tired or if she got later naps she wouldnt go to bed untill much later.

In my opinion with working with 2-5 year olds, they strive off of schedules. They like routine and like to know what comes next. Anytime we switch it up a little, I have seen kids have little melt downs.

ALSO, remember with age they might need a shorter nap. The two year olds at our school tend to sleep from 1-3 getting a good two hour nap but the 4-5 year olds who are getting ready for Kindergarten tend to only need 45-minutes to an hour of rest time. some are completely grown out of naps and just rest for a little while.

So, my advice is to just go with what works for her. make sure she gets a nice nap of at least an hour but if its past her usual nap time I would try to keep her up ( play games with her, have her help you around the house) then get her fed for dinner,bath and bed by 8:00 and im sure she will pass right out!!


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