Good Morning Gr. Mama L.. Our 3 and a half yr old gr son pretends to be a dog, cat, rabbit, dinosaur. If he sees a grasshopper in the yard he jumps around like them. He will spread his arms and be a bird or airplane. We love playing pretend. He used to grab one of my hair clips ( I have very long hair) and put it in his hair, and say Look I am Nana you be Corbin.. Imagination in children is an awesome thing. We laid in the yd last summer cloud watching and he came up with some amazing things. We feel blessed that his little brain is so full of different and entertaining things. I laugh so much when he is with me daily.
Unfortunately Preschools frown on a lot of imagination playing. They have rules and they must be followed to the letter. If they aren't then some children are labeled a problem child. Hence Corbin is not in preschool anymore. Even though his teachers finally admitted he is much more advanced then the other children in their pre-school class.
He ADORED his teachers, and being in school. They just didn't know how to corral his energy level.
The last Nerve they stepped on was when he was accused of biting another child. He has Never bitten or even showed signs of wanting to bite. If he had he would of bitten his brother or cousin before now. They refused to let us see the child he was accused of biting even. Carlo's was Corbin's best friend he kept saying.
Our son decided he didn't want him labeled and removed him before Christmas. Corbin doesn't understand why he can't go to school anymore. So Nana is teaching him at home again.
Every Tuesday and Thursday he asks if he can go to school now?
I love imaginations, they help kids grow.
God Bless you Gr Mama L.
K. Nana of 5