I know accupuncture had an influence on my ability to get pregnant. I was going for regular treatments for my back and noticed the practitioner had all of these pictures on her walls of babies. I asked why and she told me she did fertility treatments (this was in Miami). I asked if she wouldn't mind utilizing some of those same spots. My reproductive system went through the roof! I actually ended up with an ovarian cyst that ruptured on its own, and was worried about my chances of getting pregnant. (I was told it was highly unlikely, since I would have only have one ovary working for me....) Sure enough, I got pregnant. My son is now 20 months old.
I recommended this same practitioner to a friend of mine who was having a difficult time getting pregnant. Her treatments were more in-depth. She was taking herbs.........going regularly........was told to clean up her diet (less carbs, etc....) and she even went in for a fertility massage. (I guess they massage all the right areas the day after you 'try' for a baby) Her son is now 11 months old.
It works! Even if it's not the exact treatment that works, the relaxation it causes may allow things to work better... It's amazing what most accupuncture practitioners know about the body... Eastern medicine is completely different than our Western medicine..
Good luck!