I agree that sex works in stimulating labor. It worked with my first pregnancy. Also, something about stimulating the nipples works. They say that breastfeeding helps a woman lose weight and get her shape back faster. It's something like the combination of calories being burned and the uterus contracting down faster. Well, I guess the same idea holds true for contracting, period.
I was induced for my daughter. She had low weight and not enough amniotic fluid. In addition, I was at risk for preeclampsia. She was 34 weeks when she was born at 4 lbs 1 oz. I was first given cervadil and was supposed to receive pitocin after that but I didn't need it.
The contractions were a lot stronger than I remember them being with my son. That must be a negative of being induced. Other than that, everything was fine. Since they expected to induce me, they had given me a shot to help develop my daughter's lungs. She now has the best set of lungs...trust me.
I think you'll be fine if you get induced. Medical miracles happen everyday. I should know...to me, my daughter is one of them. :-D