The only thing I'd add is to remember that a lot of this is just to get your attention. My 6 yr old has thrown fits her entire life - and I have never given in. But one of those strong willed children books finally convinced me to completely ignore her behavior. I had to tell her we would not leave for school until she could walk down the street without screaming about the shoes she had to wear and that I would just call the school to let them know she'd be late. I hate being late and she knows it. Once I was willing to give up my fight and just walk away, she had no one to fight. The screams stopped and we left for school. I continue with the same treatment now. I tell her I will not fight her and when she is ready to do whatever, we can continue with our day. After she has calmed down, I remnind her that I am always willing to talk to her and give her attention if she just asks - and then I try very hard to do just that when she does ask. It sounds simple, but the biggest fight was with myself! Although I never gave in with the toy, shoes, etc she wanted, I gave in to her with the attention she wanted. Good luck!