From what your wrote, that doesn't seem to be enough to quit your job for.
My son is ADHD and has some sensory integration issues. (we have not ruled out Aspbergers yet..)
He is EXTREMELY smart. Ahead of his peers by nearly a year and a half(could be more). But socially a little behind. He has been/is very easily distracted. He has writing issues.
If you haven't already, definitely ask the school for a full evaluation. If you are close to a hospital that is similar to All Childrens Hospital or what ever is covered on your insurance, you may want to get an evaluation with a child neuro psychiatrist. Just because you have an evaluation, doesn't mean you have to do anything. But it would give you something to start with. You may find out that she is academically ahead of her peers and needs to be challenged more. My son, is one of those kids that if he has proven it to you one to three times, he doesn't want to be asked again, so he shuts down. If he is not given things that are more challenging, he creates issues. Standard teachers don't like this. And unless you can prove it multiple times, they will not give you the more challenging work. AND they won't listen to the parent on some occasions. It appears that you are writing from Porto Rico? I do not have a clue what options you have down there.
If you should find that maybe she is just ADD or ADHD there are medications to help concentration. Just remember that all people are different and what is right for me isn't possibly right for you. There are homeopathic remedies that can help, there are diets that can help. Most people in similar situations start with eliminating items with Red and Yellow dyes in them and wheat products. Also gluten. That doesn't leave much to eat but fruits and veggies and a little meat. If that doesn't help boost her moral, then move on to something else. Keep in mind what you control at home, you can't control at school. SO, You may want to try that over the summer when school is out for two months.
(look at finegold diet, I think that is how it is spelled).
Unless you are being called to pick her up from school all of the time and you have enough time in the evenings to spend on homework.... Don't think of quitting your job yet. Get the tests done and go from there.
I hope all goes well and if you find that she is ADD or ADHD or has real writing issues, write back and I will tell you more about what we have done. You could possibly click on my name and read more that I have written, there are links in one of my posts for all sorts of other resources.
Also, remember that some therapy that have been labeld for Autistic, Aspbergers and all the other diagnosis, could help too. It took me a while to get over the other labels that we don't qualify for.
The big one that has worked for us: Therapeutic Listening It is music that has other sounds embedded in it that stimulate brain functions. My son has started to write more and pay attention more because of this. He is also singing more dancing more and so on. Again, not everything that works for me could work for you... I just heard yesterday that a friend of a friend tried this and it had the opposite affect on that child. It is a 12 week program, you MUST have special head phones and must do it twice a day for 30 minutes.
She could also be choosing to show her "Strong Willed Child" side. That is the name of a book, very good reading and sounds just like my kid.
Good luck.