I think it's wonderful that she did so well on the test and that she is willing to go ahead and try out a Pre AP class. I wouldn't recommend pushing her to take both, let her try out just the one Pre Ap class and see how she does. When I was in middle school about to go to highschool the counselors actually recommended students only trying one Pre Ap class their freshman year, they wanted to make sure the kids could handle it, instead of getting in over their head and getting frustrated and having them suffer in all of their classes. I took one Pre Ap class my freshman year and was in regular English. But after a couple of weeks the teacher called my parents and said that I was so bored in that class and recommended that I move up to the Pre Ap class. This may even happen to your daughter, she may find that the regular English class is too boring and she may want an extra challenge. But I do know that taking on too many Pre Ap classes is very hard and you have a lot more homework! I know that Pre Ap Language Arts require a lot of mandatory reading, and maybe that doesn't appeal to her. I remember 6th grade was a really hard year for me, not just school but emotionally and physically. I had enough going on going through puberty and everything, that I don't know if I could have handled too many hard classes! She's also at an age where she can start other extracurricular activities (band, choir, athletics, etc.) Colleges don't just look at grades, they look at what other activities you're involved in. There should be a balance between both. She's at a tender age right now so I would praise her for doing so well and doing the Pre Ap math class, and gently encourage her to try the Pre Ap English next school year, if all goes well this year. Good job on raising such an intelligent daughter, I'm sure everything will work out!