It's just not time yet, my oldest grandson is 11 and still wets the bed nearly every night. He wears adult overnight diapers.
Some kids it just takes years longer. His 3 year old brother is dry every night. They both drink normal amounts of fluid, tons of milk, and drink 100% juice. The fluids they drink make no difference. If the biological signal to wake up is not being sent by their brain then they have no signal to wake up.
My thoughts are that I would rather not wash laundry every day, my time is worth something and I choose to use an overnight pull-up and get my rest, spend less money using pull-ups verses doing at least one load of laundry, washing machine usage, laundry soap, bleach, water, electricity, dryer, gas and elec, dryer sheets or fabric softener, double if there are blankets involved, etc...doing the laundry adds up and it is less money to use pull-ups.