6 Yr Old Does Not Want to Go to the Bathroom!!

Updated on December 31, 2011
S.D. asks from Rochester, NY
4 answers

I know that people have had this problem......I read some questions regarding this on this site, but they were posted in 2008. Thought I would ask now :) My 6 yr old daughter has been holding her urine lately. She has had multiple accidents recently. Not total accidents, but ya know......she isn't making it in time. Partially wetting her pants. I know some children do this, but I was wondering if anyone has any idea why this would happen all of a sudden. She isn't doing it in school. Isn't doing it at her dads (or he hasn't noticed, because she changes her pants and underware on her own.) I have tried to ask her, and she says " I don't know." Typical answer.....now I know how my parents felt. lol. Anyway, I haven't noticed it was because she was "too busy". I have also asked if she was afraid to go upstairs alone. I asked her about school as well. She is in first grade, and she said, "sometimes I can't go". Concerned, I asked why. She was talking about that there are "times" that she feels like she can't go. I asked her if it hurt.....I don't know what else to do. I told her that she can get sick from holding it for too long. I have also said that she can always go to the bathroom in school, just ask the teacher. She is also moving constantly. I may be getting paranoid, but I think its the pee pee dance now. So I am constantly telling her to go to the bathroom, and she is getting annoyed at this point. Any suggestions, or other reasons this may be happening?

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So What Happened?

Im going to ask the doctor about this. I think when she said she can't go, she meant that she didn't feel like she was allowed to go to the restroom at the time. I think I made it sound like she couldn't physically do it. Which I don't think is the case. Im thinking she just doesn't want to take the time to go, or she is scared of something. She does this when she has to go #2 as well. She holds it. She will complain that her stomach hurts and I will always ask if she has to go to the bathroom. She always says, Nooooo mommmm. I almost feel like she doesn't want to go to the bathroom because she is afraid she will need to poop! She holds that for so long, it isn't very comfortable for her to do. Idk, I am going to ask the doctor just to be on the safe side, but she has me a little confused, and I don't like her say she doesn't have to go, when I know she does. I don't want to harp on her about it, cause I don't want it to become a big deal. But hey......that is what moms are for I guess :) In response to the mom who used to do this herself as a child, was being to busy the only reason you didnt want to go? I wonder if this may be her problem. Anyway, Thanks everyone!! I guess im searching for other possibilities why she wants to hold it, so I can help her get over this phase. Its hard when she wont even tell me when she has to go, much less tell me why she wont, lol. Hopefully it is a phase, in the meantime I am going to ask the doc what he thinks. He is a man, but there is a really good nurse prac. that she sees as well ;) Thanks again, any other ideas are welcomed.

More Answers


answers from Austin on

I used to do this a little when I was this age, mostly because I did not want to stop and go. I did not want to stop playing, I did not want to stop reading, I did not want to stop watching TV. I did not want to miss out on what was going on.

But her saying she just cannot pee, sounds like a physical deal.

Until you can take her to the doctor, set a times for every 15 minutes to make her stop and go. Let her know you are going to continue this to make sure she does not have accidents. My mom did this with me and it helped to realize it did not take that much time to go when I knew it was coming on.

She also had me rinse out my underpants after each accident.

Just let he know you are not mad, but concerned. It will help her not feel ashamed or guilty that this is going on. .

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answers from Austin on

I would want to rule out a UTI... they are very common in little girls, and then it hurts/burns to pee.. so they don't want to.

Take her to the doctor and see what they say.

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answers from Charlotte on

I would take her to the doctor. It sounds like there is something wrong. I don't know what is wrong, but it feels funny to me, somehow.

Make sure the doctor is a woman, mom.


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answers from Dallas on

Definitely get a UTI rules out. I know it's common for boys this age (or at least 5 or so) to get too involved in what they are doing and just lose track. But I don't think that this is as common in girls.

Just get it checked. And the scared to be upstairs may have something to do with it. My son has become scared of going upstairs lately too and so will avoid the bathroom even if I tell him to go.

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