What Could Cause Accidents for an Almost 6 Year Old?

Updated on May 15, 2011
B.S. asks from Lansing, MI
13 answers

My daughter will be 6 in September, she is at the very end of her Kindergarten year. She never had an accident in preschool or in Kindergarten until this past Friday. In fact she hasn't had an accident at home/anywhere else since quite some months ago when she couldn't open a protective lock on the bathroom door at her grandparents. (They have smaller grandchldren who cause ruckus) So Friday morning she wakes up having wet the bed. This I didn't think anything of because it happens right. Then she went to school and ended up with 2 more accidents. A huge flag went up for me, so I had my husband take her to the Dr. They did a culture and today I got the call back stating it was negative for an UTI. Which is good....but now what could it be? Just accidents? (This is what I'm guessing her Dr thinks as they did not have me bring her in for more testing) But this is not like her? Oh and also she almost had an accident at the zoo over the weekend. And she wet the bed this morning.

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for the suggestions so far. I will look into them.

As far as I know nothing traumatic has happened. No new people. No new siblings. No moving. No fighting. No major falls...that I know of. Everything has been very much the same. But I will see if I can question her more. The thing is she states the reason for the accident was that she didn't know how to find the bathroom. At school both times were when she was outside of the classroom. Outside and then on the way to the library down the hall. They have a bathroom inside their classroom that she is used to. But, I think if memory serves me right she's shown my mom where the restroom is outside of class. And I really feel the urge to go is coming on spontaneously, from what I witnessed at the zoo. I just talked to my husband who said she went the whole day without an accident at school today, but had one in the driveway after being home for a little bit. So maybe I can get her to talk more tonight since she can't use the excuse of not knowing where the bathroom is.

If this continues though, I will have them check for other medical issues that you are all suggesting I look for. They do check her blood sugar at her yearly appointments but I highly doubt they did at this one since they were pretty certain it was a UTI also.

ETA: She also had a bowel accident. It ended up that she was constipated. Her Dr said that constipation can push on the bladder and then can also change the stool from hard to soft...as to why she had the bowel accident also. After her constipation went away she was back to no accidents.

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answers from Grand Rapids on

I believe it can be quite common at that age and when my daughter was in Young 5's and Kindergarten we were asked to bring a change of clothing in case of accidents. Changes in their bodies and growing to another stage of developement at least that is what was explained to me. I wouldn't be too concerned but maybe have the teacher if she can remind her to use the bathroom more frequently until this passes. Good luck.

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answers from New York on

Since you've eliminated the medical cause it has to be that something is up. Something is bothering her. Are the accidents getting her some attention from you that she's looking for? Have you ahd you husband been fighting? Have you been crazy busy at work, with a sick family member or on a project and haven't been able to spend as much time with her? Of course, there could be something scaring or intimidating her - a kid at school - a teacher or aide?

Some kids are hyper senstive so a slight change can cause it. If her teacher is not well or is dealing with something and is frowning more (becuase she's thinking of her mom's cancer for example) your DD may internalize the frown as "teacher is mad at me and doesn't like me".

Kids are funny - they can't put in to words the stuff that's bothering them. They can't figure it out themselves. We always jump to conclusions that it's something awful when it can be something that's happening to someone else. As you're driving around town on errands with her ask her if thre's anything that's making her sad or scared? Tell her about stuff that's made you sad and how you thoguht it was one thing but it ended up not being a big deal (I thought grandma was mad at me one day becuase she had the flu and was getting really sick but didn't realize it and she looked like she was mad - but she was really just not feeling good...)

Chances are the accidents are bothering your DD too - so ask her what she thinks. Make sure it's realy nonchalant - you don't want her to think you'd mad or disappointed with her.

Good luck mama - this is the stuff of life that can make us nuts.

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answers from Detroit on

let me ask has anything happen severe in the house? Like a death, changing bed time, maybe your hubbie and you are not getting along, a pet, something scary she may have watched, anything out of the ordinary?Anything could have changed it something at school she might be a fraid of something you need to ask her and talk with her to find out!



answers from Detroit on

Could she just be too distracted by the nice weather/playing/other activities that are going on? Maybe she just needs a few reminders to get back on track. Good luck



answers from Detroit on

I'd try not to make too much of this. Good for you for having her checked for a UTI. Maybe something is on her mind about 1st grade next year or something else. I'd reassure her and spend a little extra time with her to emphasize that she'll be just as loved as she gets older and more independent, that she's still gonna be your special girl or whatever. I'd also prompt her to use the bathroom more often and before you go out etc.


answers from Redding on

In the course of testing have them check her blood sugar for diabetes. My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 12. The 3 main symtoms of diabetes is extreme thirst, unexplained weight loss, and needing to pee a lot more often. Many times a young child will start to have wetting accidents and wetting the bed due to diabetes. Sure hope it isnt, but the sooner you find out, the better.


answers from Washington DC on

I am sorry your daughter is going through this.

I would have her fully examined by her pediatrician and a urologist...but that is MY take....

i would talk to your daughter and ask what's up - NON-CHALANTLY - not accusing or starting off with "so what's up with you having accidents?" I would start by asking how her day was....anything new happen in school? Then when she starts talking more - ask her if she knows why she might be wetting herself...is she afraid? is she upset about something?

I would hate to think something bad has happened and she can't talk to you about it....maybe someone is threatening her? I don't know - that's WORSE CASE SCENARIO - NOT intended to upset you but to have you look at it from all angles....has she been around new people? has she had a change in her schedule? is there someone new in her life?




answers from Detroit on

Something is going on emotionally. Has a situation changed at home? Is someone at school bullying her? It can happen even at that young age.

I would speak with her teacher and ask if she has noticed anything.

Also, is she still friends with the same girls/boys?

If physical tests are normal, then it is emotional.

Good luck and prayers to you.



answers from Detroit on

my daughter that is 9yrs old also has lately had issues such as this. She has had days where she was too occupied playing outside to get to the bathroom in time.. so I can not tell if she is waiting to the very last minute to get to the rest room.

She also peed on the school bus and came home wet. Lately she was busy doing activites with a friend and did not want to ask where the restroom was and after the fact they had gotten in the car she peed in the fathers car on the way home :( I was so embrassed to know that happened. I'm not sure if he noticed when they dropped her off at our home.

So lately I'm asking her before we do anything if she needs to use the bathroom. Its almost a step back and it feels like were potty training them again, but it happens. I always looked at the commericals with the older children wearing pullups different.. but now I know it happens. It's a hard thing to deal with, both for the parent and child. Eventually I would pray that her friends don't notice and this is something we can overcome.



answers from Washington DC on

This could also be caused by a pinched nerve in her back, near her pelvis. The siadic nerve controls your ability to hold in your pee and BMs. So I would see if she has any lower back pain, fell, etc.

I had a lower back injury and began having issues were I was running to the bathroom. One second I didn't feel like I needed to go, and the next second I couldn't get there fast enough. My chiropractor said that that is a common sign of a lower back injury/bruise.

If she has any more accidents she should be seen by the doctor where she can get some anti-inflamatory medicines.




answers from San Francisco on

Constipation can cause wetting accidents.



answers from Chicago on

Any chance graduation is coming up? Not saying it might not be somehting else, but for my son--who is very attacher to me--big changes like when my job was eliminated or when I had my youngest caused issues. When I lost my job, I was home so I thought no problems since they have mommy more but he started having accidents at school. This last about 2 weeks. When he had to appear on stage the first time, he had multiple night time accidents until the day after the show and when my little one was born (9 yrs old at the time) he started accidents at night again.



answers from Spartanburg on

It could be psych., see if anything different or slightly traumatic happened in school or elsewhere. I had the same experience at 8yo and it was because I had a horrible new teacher who screamed in rage all the time. Good luck.

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