My first born cried all the time. Being a new mom I thought I had to get her to sleep in her own room... after all I did just decorate it for her. One night I finally gave up. My husband was deployed and I was exhausted, so I brought her into my bed. I haven't looked back since. I have two girls 4 and 2, and I have co slept with both of them. The 4 year old has transitioned into her own bed just fine, and now the 2 year old is starting to like her bed too. After I made the decision to co sleep everyone slept better, and my girls never cry to go to bed, in fact they like to go to bed now. I know co sleeping is a touchy subject with moms, but I love it and highly suggest doing some research to see if maybe it could work for you too. Dr. Sears has a lot of great information. Good luck!