My children our grown, and past their young ages, but you still remember how things were. Alot of times the meltdown for little things is because they didn't get enough sleep the nite before or they still need naps, you can judge for yourself as the mother if this is the case. Sometimes boys need more sleep, and naps longer, I believe because they have more energy, and our more active then girls as a rule. My son is now sixteen, but when he was little was very active. I learned early on that if he stayed up past 8:30 he gained this new burst of energy, and wouldn't settle down or go to sleep easily, so I faithfully made his bedtime 8:00, no matter where we were at or what we were doing he was bathed, and in his bed on time. Both my kids had a set bedtime, and sometimes its not easy, but this is how they had a better day, and weren't crabby, or overly sensitive to things for no apparent reason. As far as tanttrums mine never really did this, but from watching others, and reading about parenting( their's alot of good books with ideas) I learned that this is how they get their way, and control of you, and you have to let then know early on that it's unacceptable, and find a punishment that bothers him, and stick to it! My son's was time out, and it taught him to control himself, if he tried to get up it was longer, they catch on. Good luck, I hope my experiences helped you some. Their's no manual to being a good parent, and raising children, just your instinct and feelings of if what you've choosen is working. If not try another way until he understands, kids now a days are very smart, I have a 51/2 yr. old grand-daughter and she has a strong personality, and trys to be in control too, but I just don't let her, and she knows how I am with certain things!