5 Month Old Doesn't Want Daddy...

Updated on February 02, 2008
J.C. asks from Santa Rosa, CA
6 answers

Our five month old baby girl, has always been a mama's girl. I always assumed that it was because of breastfeeding. However going back to work at 6 weeks part time (32 hours a week) we had to introduce the bottle. Now I only breastfeed sometimes in the evenings and at night. So I'm not sure that's the entire reason.

So my point is.. little girl will not go to Daddy. He picks her and she cries. When I am not home, she cries.. as soon as I am home, she wont even look at him, I am home 3 days a week and she wants me... not him. It's driving us crazy. I love and adore her, but I need a break. He tries to help, but with me in the house.. she wont have anything to do with him...

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answers from San Francisco on

This is pretty typical, and we went through the exact same thing! After she's a year, it will be "all about daddy" though, so try as you can to enjoy it. :-)

Something that worked for us was to have daddy take her out to the playground or grocery shopping, just the 2 of them. The more time they spend together where there is no "business" to be done (i.e. feeding, diapers, etc.), the more quickly they will bond.

Good Luck!



answers from San Francisco on

Oh J., I have experience with this same thing but on the other side. My daughter is now 22 months and for the past 5 months she has wanted -just short of- nothing to do with me. It has been heartbreaking. BUT, I had an injury that prevented me from spending a lot of time with her.

I read your post about your husband and his injury so I wonder if that has anything to do with it. Yes, I realize she is only 5 months old, but they still can sense things.

This could also be a phase she is going through and soon she will want him and not you. I hope so!! For both of you!!

If I can be of ANY help, please do not hesitate to ask!!




answers from Sacramento on

Hi. This is totally normal, I agree. My little one is 3 now and she STILL goes back and forth. One month it's all about daddy! Then the next two months are all about me! So on and so on. I get jealous when she goes thru her "daddy" phases. I miss all the adoration and hugs and kisses. :) So enjoy being the one she wants most right now. If you need a break...I would leave the house. Like take a walk or go to a movie or go and sit at a coffee house with a book for an hour! Then dad will have to learn to console his upset daughter without having you there to fall back on because it's easier.



answers from Sacramento on

Hang in there in time things will get better and she will adjust to all the changes. It's normal and natural for babies to want mommy the most. When she's nine months old, she will not even worry when you leave the room. That is when they realize that you're coming back. That's what my doctor told me.



answers from Modesto on

My daughter was the same way when she was younger, she was all about mommy. My personal thought was that he was just more fuzzy then me. She actually said that she thought his face was sharp (shaving stubble) at 2 years old. Now at 5 years old she loves daddy, he the one she goes to when she wants to play!



answers from Stockton on

this brings back old memories, my youngest daughter who is now 14months old wanted absolutely nothing to do with her daddy(my hubby) until we started introducing solids(6months old) i nursed her till she was 8 1/2months old and up until that point if i was nuring her she would start to scream or give him dirty looks if he came within 2 feet of me, as we starting giving her more solids she was becoming ok with daddy, i wouldnt give her solids, my hubby did, this is what helped her become confortable with him, today, half the time she wants nothing to do with me and wants only him, all you can really do is give it time, dont push your baby girl onto him, this will only cause her stress which will cause more crying. just start gentley, try sitting next to your hubby with her in his lap, over the course of a few days inch your way away from them. hope this helps at least a little. dont worry soon enough you'll be wanting to know why she doesnt want you,(i think it half the time myself)

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