My heart goes out to you and reminds me of myself 23 years ago. My oldest son has ADHD and is Bipolar. He wasn't diagnosed with Bi-polar until he was 15, but with ADHA when he was only 2. I have tried everything with him, and have so much information on different ways to try and treat the ADHD. It really is a trial and era and make notes to see what really works for your son. Doctors just want to put them on medications to turn them into zombies so they won’t cause problems in our society.
You would be amazed at how many people have ADD or ADHD. The doctors will tell you that they will grow out of it, but that is a lie. Many adults have this disorder, and try to deal with it on a daily basis. There are a few doctors that will admit that it carries onto adult hood. Since it is a brain disorder, of course you can’t grow out of it and it carries on to adult hood. It is as simple as a chemical imbalance and you have to learn what helps repair that imbalance.
Most of my reading throughout the years I have found that a lot of food allergies can cause more out burst with the ADD/ADHD. Most people with this disorder are allergic to the following foods; wheat, milk, sugar, red dyes, apples, peanut butter, pectin, and gelatin. Make a list of foods that your son eats, and then see which of the things he likes the most have these foods in them. You can let them have foods that they are allergic to once a month or so for a treat, but not on a weekly basis. My son is highly allergic to wheat and red dye. If he has anything with wheat in it, then he becomes angry and can be violent at times depending on how much wheat he has had that week. The red dye makes him sick to his stomach and causes headaches and irritability. You can find tons of books out there on ADD/ADHD and how to maintain a healthy daily routine.
I have found in research that the brain produces Serotonin (Choline-Insoitol) to maintain a healthy brain function. A person with ADD or ADHD doesn’t produce enough of this chemical. The body takes the Choline-Insoitol and turns it into the serotonin our brains need. This also helps to maintain a healthy liver and cholesterol levels. My son has been on this mineral supplement since he was five and no one believes that he has this disorder. He also takes a magnesium supplement with it. You can find these minerals at your local vitamin or health food store. You can find it in pill form or in powder form. You can also find it in a gelatin form, but I don’t recommend that since most people with this disorder has a reaction to gelatin.
As far as the bipolar, you need to have your child under a physician that truly cares about this disorder. There are so many drugs out there with horrible side effects, and my son has been on all of them. It is a living nightmare at times, and it so hard as a parent trying to help your child. The drugs are so expensive, and my son, who is now 25, doesn’t have medical insurance, so he is seen at MHMR (Mental Health-Mental Retardation) which is paid for through the State of Texas. He has been on Lithium for many years and that had seemed to help with his Bipolar, but the side effects were causing Psoriasis, which had gotten so bad that he didn’t want to come out of his room. Recently we found out the this is one of the major side-effects of this drug, not to mention making him feel like a zombie. His doctor has switched him now to another drug and he seems to be doing better.
Here are some web sites that you can go to and find information on. It would be good to join a support group to help you understand what is going on and to help your family understand your son’s needs and disorder. My son refuses to go to a support group, but I know that it would help him.
http://www.bpkids.org (Child & Adolescent Bipolar Foundation)
http://www.dbsalliance.org (depression and bipolar support alliance)
You can find all sorts of information on the web about Bipolar, ADD, ADHD, and natural supplements to help with these disorders. You would be surprised how much is out there if you haven’t already found that out. Don’t be afraid to stand up to your doctor and ask questions. This is your son, and he deserves the best treatments to help him overcome this disorder. You and your husband will be able to overcome this trial in life. It is hard at first, but once you understand what is going on in his little brain, you will begin to see and learn how to help him.
Keep a journal and write down what triggers his mood swings. When you start to change his food, make sure that you do one item at a time and remove that item for a whole week. Introduce it once back into his system and see how he reacts. If his moods change or he becomes sick, you know he is probably allergic to that food. You will be surprised how much food and products have red dye in them. All kids that I have met that have this disorder is allergic to red dye. Check his toothpaste, candy, gum, cereal, drinks, medicine, anything he puts into his mouth. Most cereal has wheat or whole wheat in it, including breads. Bleached flour is the worst for a child with this disorder. White bread is better than the wheat bread, and limits of one or two servings a week. Of course this is all based on research that I have been doing for about 20 plus years, and with trial and era with my son. Some children react differently than others, so it will only come in time to know what exactly sets him off.
I have friends that give their child a cup of coffee before school, no sugar in or a glass of diet soda, and they say this helps their child. I don’t like artificial sweeteners, that is a whole other topic that is scary in itself. Read up on aspartame sometime, I promise you will think twice about using it when you see what all it does to your body. That is a poison that all people need to read up on. http://www.sweetpoison.com/
Well, I am going to close for now, sorry about the long post. I am here if you need someone to talk to. Research the drugs the doctors want to put your son on, and try and look for an alternative if possible. Drugs have so many side effects and do harm to our children. Good luck with your research and may God bless you and keep you and your family safe and give you peace in the trial.