I had the same struggle with my daughter for about 2 months right before her 3rd birthday. She had been potty trained for #1 for months, but not #2. We used a combination of things, first a motivational chart that I created where the prize at the end was a trip to the zoo, and every time she used the potty she moved one square on the track (it was train themed), for #2 she moved 2 squares. There were also "bonus" squares along the way where she would get a small prize (like hair ribbons or small cars, etc). Each time she got to put a sticker on the square after she went potty. However, this wasn't enough alone to motivate #2 (she was doing all the things you describe). So we did have a couple of what I call test of wills. I would see her going to "hide" (as she called it) which meant go #2 in her pull-up, and I would take her to the potty, where she would yell and want off. I wouldn't give her the pull-up back, (or her pants) but would let her leave the potty (if she wanted). She would not go #2 without the pull-up, so we would wait it out (the first time it took over an hour) - but eventually she went in and sat on the potty chair on her own and went #2 - she was so excited!! It wasn't consistant from then on- we had to use the same approach a few more times, but it only took a few weeks from that point to turn the corner. Another trick- if you are willing to use treat rewards (I was willing to try everything). One of the first times we struggled with the #2 like above, I told her she could have an M&M for every minute she sat on the potty (because I knew she really had to go). It went on for quite a while, but eventually she was at the right place at the right time, and realized it wasn't so bad. I remember feeling like it might never end - so hang in there.