Oh, J., welcome to my world! :)
First, good for you for nursing this long and not crying it out! You are giving your daughter so much emotionally and health wise!
Have you considered night weaning? I had a very high needs toddler who sucked me dry emotionally and physically at night!
I dreaded the thought of night weaning. He had no problem with it. :) I set parameters that I was okay with, like no nursing between 11pm and 4am and kept water by the bed. He asked once, I offered water, threw him over my shoulder, went pee, and he was out. That was it...he is now 29 months and the rule is no nursing til the sun is up! :)
If you don't want to night wean, how about getting her a twin size matress on the floor? Then you can lie with her and nurse for a little rest. My son now allows daddy to soothe, but still prefers me.
I think you are doing a great job! And good for you for parenting at night as well...I never understood people who only believe in parenting during hours convenient to them.
I think either night weaning or a new bed might give you some extra needed sleep. They also sell "alarm clocks" that will light up that tell the toddler that it is "time" to get up, get out of bed, nurse, whatever you need it to be. Target carries them.
Good luck,