so, she has milk carries?, i hope u know to put her to bed with only water in a bottle, my baby has a milk carie, but i breast feed, and cant fill my boob with only water, i dont give her milk or juice during the day and brush her teeth at least twice a day, so her "cavity" is under control. The reason you cant let them die out is because they will effect the permanent teeth, you can get medicaid for this, but im not sure extraction is neccesary, if someone told you it was, then get a second opinion.
the reason babies get that nowadays moreso than they used to is because of all the sugar laden drinks, treats and formula. even if teeth are brushed it leaves a bacteria in the mouth that reacts with milk and saliva and reeks havoc on soft enamel. most of the time it is present with bottle fed babies because the bottle wont stop pouring when the child dozes off and the milk pools around the gums.......festering. apparantly i have a large supply of milk in my body and it continues to pour for a min and pools around my babies gums as well, even though this is rare.
get your baby "bonding", if you cant afford tooth colored, get silver, its cheaper and better than a set of rotton teeth, now and forever