Hi A.
I'm the same way about details so I understand...
It's definitely worse to put the bottle into bed with them and let them fall asleep with the bottle/milk sitting on the teeth. It's better if you can find a way to either brush or rinse their teeth after that last bottle though. Some of the sugars are still there even if not puddled. At 1 you might be getting ready to say goodbye to the bottles. If you are going to give them something in their bed, I'd recommend a sippy with water - no need to keep the focus on the bottle unless you have to. Mine have always been thirsty at night and both have taken a sippy of water to bed since about 1. My daughter's 3.5 now and my son 2. There's really no worry that it's going to bother their teeth. My 2 year old and sometimes my 3 year old still like to have a cup of milk before bed. We usually have them snuggle with us to read a book or watch a short kid video while they drink it - maybe 15 minutes of Goodnight Show. Then we go upstairs for baths/teeth/bed. They get their milk and their teeth get cleaned.