*Take a picture of your baby and husband together and put it into a nice frame with a cute poem you make up or from a really cute Fathers Day Card. Use two frames hooked together.
*Your baby's handprint on a shirt saying "Best Daddy Hands down." Feetprints are easier you can say: ________(baby's name) walks all over me and I love it.
*Use the little treasure candies (you know the chocolate bars) and write: I "treasure" (place a candy here for the word) my daddy because____________________. Do as many as you can think of. example: because he loves me, because he plays with me, because we snuggle together, because he is nice to my mommy. Whatever you can think of.
* Does your husband wear a tie? I did iron pictures of my kids onto a light tan tie. I wrote with fabric paints: Our love "ties" us together it's a bond forever true. So on this day I'd like to say, "I'm glad I'm "tied" to you!"
*A basket of fortune cookies:
I don't have diamonds or riches.
Don't worry I don't feel bad
I know I have a fortune
'cause I have you for a dad.
*A t-shirt with a picture of you and baby on front saying - I get my good looks from mommy..... Then a picture of baby and daddy on back saying - ...And my attitude from daddy.