Walking is one of those things that infants/toddlers do at different times and of course we don't want to rush through stuff. But, I had the same issue with my son...everyone, including his Pedi said it didn't seem bad. But, when he went from cruising to crawling again, I took matters into my own hands. I took him to my Podiatrist and had him examine him...he recommended Physiccal and Occupational Therapy for my son, and gave me a referal for an amazing therapist and center in my area.
My son was diagnosed with calcification of the joints in the hip and ankles...basically, stiff joints. He had been born emergency c-section, and was breech at the time of birth...so, this apparently played into the issue at hand.
We started OT/PT at around 14 months and by 17 months he was walking and very soon after running everywhere!
I'm not at all saying your little one is having the exact same issue, but maybe it's worth taking the extra step to get in there early and see if you can get a referal for an evaluation. I'm all about preventative care and I always push to make sure everything is ruled out before I panic.
Good Luck!