Don't fret yet! At this stage, it's truly important that your daughter understands more than she can express. As she progresses towards age 2, her vocabulary could increase dramatically, and you will be stunned! Here are a few strategies you can try- when she points to something she wants, say to her "Oh! You want the ......? Ok, I'll get you the ....." This gives words to her need. Don't force her to repeat it before you give it to her- she's not ready. But you're expanding her vocabulary and she's taking it in. Also, expand on what she says. If she says "doggie", say "Yes, that's the doggie. His name is .... he's soft and fuzzy." and so on. When she cries, tell her how she is feeling- sad, angry, disappointed, frustrated, etc. Everything you say she will be storing for later. Another great option for preverbal infants is sign language. Research shows that teaching babies to sign can actually help their expressive language later. Dr. Joseph Garcia put together a great kit called "Sign with your baby" that includes a book and video and quick guide. I use this with many of the families I work with and it's great. Your little one will be able to express more and more with her hands (which is easier to learn at her age than words) which will make interpreting her needs easier for both of you. Again, though, your daughter seems to be developing normally at this point so don't really worry yet!