I am no pschyologist, but it occurs to me that your son is feeling a lot of pressure to perform. He cries when you correct him.. you... not the coach, not the teacher, not when his face hits the dirt. When you correct him. Is it possible that he is overburdened with high expectations? My son is a perfectionist, and if he receives "suggestions" from me it doesn't help him at all.. what he gets from that is that he isn't good enough.... I have to be VERY VERY careful how I help him with things. You mentioned basketball, baseball, football and soccer. Come on Mom... he's 10. High school kids have a difficult time juggling the pressures of back to back sports and school. He's 10. Maybe he should cut back on some of these scheduled organized sports? He can just as easily get good exercise and learn the game/some skills playing in the backyard (or the local rec field) with Dad and/or a few friends on the weekend or after school.. when it is just FUN and no pressure. Have him pick one or two that HE really really enjoys (not one that DAD wants him to play)... and then relax! He probably just needs down time... It may be correct (the poster who said he has learned to "play" you) that he is using the crying to manipulate you, but it might also be that you are the only one he can "let it all go" with... Remember when he was in K4 or K5 and you'd pick him up from school? My son would fall to pieces (or get really angry and short-tempered) about nothing... but he didn't feel like he could do that while at school... it was SAFE to do it with me. He is under pressure/stress and is letting it out when he cries (don't you and I still do that sometimes??) Just remember, he is 10. Sometimes 10 seems so grown up, (my son turns 10 in 2 months, so I know), but sometimes he still has moments of being a LITTLE kid... he gets scared, he has scary dreams, he wants Mom & Dad to sit with him and just BE there... (he'd never SAY that though)... So, talk with your husband about it, then ask your son what one or two sports he REALLY REALLY likes and wants to keep doing, and the rest are out... at least for this season... you're going to let him have some "down time" this year so he isn't ALWAYS on the go... You can always switch sports the next year if he really misses one.. And in a couple of years, if he feels up to it, he can try more than those one or two... But give him some FREE time...
My son only does one sport at this time, but it is year round (karate). And sometimes he really, really just wants to stay home and play in the yard... to walk around and waste time... to not have to pack up his gear and GO somewhere again. Kids need that sometimes too...
Good luck.