Teething: First Response

Results 1-10 from 27 articles

Waking up Every Hour!

M.M. asks from St. Louis

I'm making a request two days in a row! This site is so helpful! My 4 month old son wakes up every hour at night to eat. He is a breastfed baby so I realize he w...


Training a 10-Mo-old to Fall Asleep on His Own...

L.W. asks from San Diego

Hey mamas! So, I've spoiled my little guy for 10 whole months. I've rocked him to sleep for both naps & bedtime & when he would wake at night. It never really both...


8 Month Old Won't Sleep Through the Night Anymore! Why?!!!

B.S. asks from Columbia

My daughter has been sleeping through the night (12 hours) since she was 9 weeks old. For the last few nights, though, she has woken up sometime between 1am and 3am. ...


Sleepover Help???

A. asks from Dallas

My daughter is in the 2nd grade and will be 8 in a few months. She has had a few sleepovers with friends that I know their parents and felt comfortable with, but now...


What Are Your Thoughts?

M.H. asks from Washington DC

My 7 month old is having some strange symptoms. We're going to the ped for a 2nd opinion today, but 1st ped didn't seem to think much of this. His symptoms are: ...


Getting 2 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night

A.H. asks from New York

My 2-month old is still feeding every 3-4 hours at night and we are patiently waiting for him to stop the 3am feeding so that my husband and I can get more sleep! I ...


Need Help Reducing Biting and Hitting with 20 Month Old Twins

K.S. asks from Dallas

Hi, I have 20 month old boy and girl twins that have been biting and hitting each other and sometimes me since they were 9 months old. Unfortunately, the biting i...


My 4 Month Old Uses Me as a Pacifier and Can't Fall Asleep Without Nursing First

N.C. asks from Los Angeles

I need advice on how to deal with this. My 4 month old is successfully breastfeeding and we are not giving any formula. But since he was born, I always put him to sl...


8 Month Old Boy Becoming Out of Control, Willful and Constantly Hyper

A.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, I am a first time mother who is home, looking for advice. I adore my son but lately he is displaying out of control, whiny behavior. He is willful, and is...


Frequent Nurser

F.V. asks from Honolulu

I am a first time mom with an 8 week old son. Since he was born he has nursed every hour on the hour like clockwork. He normally would nurse for about 20 min, so I wa...