Teething: Alimentum

Results 1-10 from 134 articles

Anyone Switch Their Baby to Alimentum and Have a Worse Day Before a Better Day?

A.R. asks from New York

Has anyone had a similar experience? I assumed that since Alimentum is predigested, it would not have the adjustment issues other switching of formulas would have. ...


Flavoring for Alimentum Formula to Make It Taste Better?

J.W. asks from Las Vegas

Hi there I have a 5 almost 6 month old baby who drinks Alimentum formula, it seemed when she was younger she would drink it fine but now that she is older it she acts...


6 Month Old with Diarrhea for Two Weeks! Teething?

J.D. asks from Modesto

My six month old son has had explosive diarrhea for two weeks now and I am worried. This is unusual for him, as before he only went every other day. He is going mul...


Acid Reflux HELP - Tips and Doctor Recommendations

I.A. asks from Columbus

Hi everyone, I have a 4 month old daughter who was recently diagnosed with acid reflux. She had always been fussy and I took her to the doctor several times (in Ca...


Need Advice on 2 Week Old Cryer

J. asks from Tampa

I have a 2 week old baby girl and all she does is cry, no matter what we do. we rock her, sing, walk, nothing seems to satisfy her. The doctor has checked her out and...


Colic Advice

J.M. asks from Reno

My beautiful baby boy has colic and I seem to be friends with women who's babies don't cry (yeah right). Basically I am just looking for a kindred spirit that I can c...


Switching Formulas

A.P. asks from Providence

Hey All - My daughter is 4 months and has been on the Similac Advance since she was born. She has always been very gassy (I think gassier than normal) and lately ...


Need Advice on 10 Month Old Odd Behavior in the Last 24 Hours

M.G. asks from Houston

We have an odd situation happening with our 10 month old. On Monday - the doctor said she had an ear infection, and started her on Omnicef. Yesterday, between wake ...


Changed Behavoir in 4 Month Old

M.M. asks from Pittsburgh

My 4 month old daughter has been in the hospital 6 days after birth for a high fever (nothing came of it, just a virus), then she was diagnosed with reflux (now on za...


Seeking Advice on Baby Reflux and Prevacid

K.T. asks from Denver

Hi MOMS I have an 8 week old baby girl with silent reflux. She was first put on zantac 0.8ml twice a day. This worked for two days she was a differnt baby. After t...