School Vacations: Arms Reach

10 answers

Best Swimming Aid for Two Year Old

Hello, What would you recommand for my toddler? He's had the armbands but I would like to change to a styropor belt. Are they safe enough/ do they keep them aflout with him kicking as well? Or do you have other tips for me? Thanks in advance! J.

Summer School

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23 answers

At What Age Do Kids Learn to Swim?

I was just thinking about this last night. I'm SO ready for warmer weather. By the time our pool opens again this year, my son will be 18 months old. Last summer (at just 6 months old) we just floated around. What do they do in the pool when they're walking? At what age do they learn to swim? I am going to look into swim classes when the time comes, just wondering. Do you do little arm floaty things? I don't think he'll hold still and be content to just float around in a floaty any more! So, if he's not swimming yet, and he won't let me...