Nutrition: Baby Trend

9 answers

Best Stroller for Living near the Beach

We are expecting a baby soon and I see many BOB strollers around our neighborhood. We are frequent beach goers so we need something that goes around town and the beach. The Bobs are not cheap. Even used they are not cheap! What other options are out there? I have about $200 in Target gift cards from my baby shower....but they don't sell the BOB. I also already own a Peg Pereggo car seat...that I am hoping will somehow go on our soon to be stroller. Too many choices and I know you mama's have the experience and wisdom...Thank you!

Feeding Accessories

See all 11 articles
4 answers

What Were Things You Loved?

I was just wondering what things you loved to use with your kids. Like, what baby products you couldn't live without or what types of clothes you always bought, etc. I am just curious since there's such a broad market of baby items and I'm just trying to get some reviews. Thanks for any responses beforehand! For me, I really enjoyed using my Graco playpen thing. I never used the playpen part so much for my son. It mainly served as a toy bin, but I loved the diaper changing part of it. That was what I used to change diapers and it worked...