Illnesses & Symptoms: Infant, Neocate

7 answers

Desperate for Allergy Answers

This might seem crazy..but I have had ZERO luck at the pediatrician and allergist finding a solution for my 20 month old son. I thought I would turn to you moms instead. My son has been experiencing a rash all over his body, huge dark circles under his eyes, diarrhea (8-10 dirty diapers a day) and a runny nose (clear) for over a month now. I am sure it's some kind of allergy, but I don't want to have bloodwork done until I have tried other options. I feel like all the doctors want to do is medicate him instead of finding the CAUSE of the...


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8 answers

Neocate or Nutramigen?

My daughter has been exclusively breastfed for six months. However, I am 8 weeks pregnant again and I am having a hard time meeting her demands. I feed her five to six times a day but at night she is just not satisfied with just me. My milk production is not what it used to be. My daughter's pediatrician said it probably isn't a good idea to take fenugreek while I am pregnant so I have to figure out how to supplement her. She usually wants an extra 4-6 ounces in the evening. Sometimes i am able to pump a little extra in the morning and give...


Allergy or What?

When getting my 2 year old ready for dinner i took her shirt off and found...


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7 answers

Has Anyone Used Infant Neocate Formula?

Our 3 month old was just put on Neocate to see if it cleares up the mucus in her poop. If you have used this formula you know how expensive it is. Is there anything I need to know about using it?


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21 answers

Diarrhea in Breastfed Infant

When my son was 2 weeks old, he began having diarrhea. It went on for a week before my pediatrician finally sent us to a GI specialist who felt it was a protein allergy causing the problem. We switched him to Neocate formula for 2 weeks and I eliminated all dairy, soy and eggs from my diet (I'm also a vegetarian and drink only water and rice milk - no juice). We began breastfeeding again this past Friday and he's got diarrhea again (he'll be 6 weeks on Sunday). I'm now removing wheat, corn and nuts in addition for sure but I may try a...


Infant Gas Problem

My little girl is now 3.5 weeks old and over the past week she has started...

Heart Disease

13 answers

2 Month Pre-Mature Baby with Severe Acid Reflux

I am the mommy to 2 kids My Youngest is my son who is now 2 1/2 months old he was born at 32 weeks. He has been diagnosed with Severe Acid Reflux and Lactose and Tollerance. He is On Four Different Medications and Neo-Cate Formula. But he is always Uncomfortable, crying and cant get comfortable. I am running out of Ideas to try to make him feel better but nothing seems to be working.. I dont want him to have to have surgery on his tummy so if there are any suggestions on what I can do to make him feel better I am up to Try Everything!! He...


High Cholesterol

19 answers

High Allergy Baby- Is Neocate Formula Ok?

has anyone had any bad reactions to Neocate formula? i have a baby allergic to soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, corn, eggs, garlic, beats, pork... you get the point. i'm still breastfeeding her, but doctors are pushing for me to switch to formula- Neocate is the only formula that treats her allergies, however i heard that it can be h*** o* the kidney and my baby was born with one smaller kidney and the other has a little bit of back flow. however, lactation consultanst have said to keep breastfeeding. i have narrowed my diet to only chicken, rice,...


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19 answers

High Allergy Baby- Is Neocate Formula Ok?

has anyone had any bad reactions to Neocate formula? i have a baby allergic to soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, corn, eggs, garlic, beats, pork... you get the point. i'm still breastfeeding her, but doctors are pushing for me to switch to formula- Neocate is the only formula that treats her allergies, however i heard that it can be h*** o* the kidney and my baby was born with one smaller kidney and the other has a little bit of back flow. however, lactation consultanst have said to keep breastfeeding. i have narrowed my diet to only chicken, rice,...


Is It Eczema?

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like...


Baby with Hives?

Hi. My 5-month-old baby seems to keep getting what looks like Hives. I...