Constipation: Infant, Neocate

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7 answers

Has Anyone Used Infant Neocate Formula?

Our 3 month old was just put on Neocate to see if it cleares up the mucus in her poop. If you have used this formula you know how expensive it is. Is there anything I need to know about using it?

Acid Reflux due to GERD

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27 answers

Does Anyone Have a Baby with Acid Reflux?

I've been on this site several times searching for answers to my baby's fussiness and gas and recently my baby was diagnosed with acid reflux. It is horrible. My baby girl who is 3 months now has steadily gotten worse and worse and is still gettint worse. I started giving her the Zantac her MD prescribed and it seemed to help a little but she was still spitting up a lot. He now has her on Prilosec and her symptoms have gotten worse. I took her to see a Pediatric GI doctor and he increased her dose and started having me give her a little...

Bananas or Rice

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19 answers

High Allergy Baby- Is Neocate Formula Ok?

has anyone had any bad reactions to Neocate formula? i have a baby allergic to soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, corn, eggs, garlic, beats, pork... you get the point. i'm still breastfeeding her, but doctors are pushing for me to switch to formula- Neocate is the only formula that treats her allergies, however i heard that it can be h*** o* the kidney and my baby was born with one smaller kidney and the other has a little bit of back flow. however, lactation consultanst have said to keep breastfeeding. i have narrowed my diet to only chicken, rice,...