Disposable Diapers: First Years

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32 answers

Stinky Diaper Pail

I have been using a Diaper Champ since my son was born 10 1/2 months ago. I have tried spray disinfectant and deodorizers. I have washed it with bleach and let it air out for a day. I've tried "odor control" plastic bags inside. The pail still stinks really strongly and makes his whole nursery an unpleasant place to breathe. Does anyone have a method to remove odor from diaper pails? Has the smell permeated it so deeply that I have to ditch it and buy a new one? Are there any diaper pails out there that actually stay stench free? ...


Best Breast Pump??

Hi there. I'm a first time mom; my little man is 9 weeks old. Despite my...