Body Changes: Curves

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35 answers

Curves Work for You?

I've once again decided it's time to do something about my weight. I used to be thin and trim without trying, was very active in sports, aerobics, etc. Then kids came. I've slowly put on weight for the past 10 years. I've tried several "life style changes" (aka - diets). W.W. worked for a while several years ago, I've tried that recently and I just can't seem to stick to it. Also did Thin & Healthy, once again worked for a short while, couldn't handle it in the long run. Prism and I didn't work well together at all. We have a local Curves,...

Weight Gain

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14 answers

2Nd Trimester Weight Gain

Hello! I am about 17 wks pregnant with my second child, and I have gained almost five pounds this week. I was very ill up until recently, and I did not gain a pound until about 10 days ago. I was so nauseous that I could not eat anything, and when I did get something down I threw it up (no weight loss, but no weight gain). But now everything is a different story. My hunger is so intense that I literally get hunger pains just a couple of hours after I've eaten a big meal. I am glad to put on weight and nourish the baby once and for...