Behavior: Miracle Blanket

Results 1-10 from 35 articles

5 Month Old Breastfed Baby, Sleep Issues, Formula and Miracle Blanket

K.C. asks from Boston

I think I may have a unique problem that is a combination of breastfeeding, swaddling, sleep, and sanity... My 5 month old daughter Isabella was never a great sle...


3 1/2 Month Old Squirm During Sleep

S.H. asks from Tulsa

I have a 3 1/2 month old baby boy, who sleeps well until about 5:00 am. He will fall asleep on his own in his crib (as long as he is swaddled in his Miracle Blanket) ...


6 Mo. Old Will Not Sleep Without Being Swaddled and a Pacifier

A.K. asks from Sacramento

Hi all! I am blessed to have 2 kids(girls). First one is 25 months and second one will turn 6 months on the 14th. I did not have any sleep issues with my first daugh...


6 Week Old Sleeping Question

C.B. asks from Dallas

My daughter is 6 weeks old, and does not like sleeping in her crib or pack and play. She will fall asleep in her swing, in her baby carrier, in the car seat, or on m...


My Little Grunter and Her Sleep.

M.M. asks from Phoenix

Hello ladies, my baby girl is 7 weeks and only at night does she sound like a p'oed, super upset, 90 year old angry man in pain with her grunting. She scratches her l...


Sleep Advice for 4 Month Old

C.S. asks from Boston

My four month old does not have the sleeping patterns of her older brother who is 22 months, some nights she goes thru the night other nights she's up about 4 hours i...


Sleeping Problem

D.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, My name is D. Im a new mother of 2 weeks old baby, my baby was very easy at the moment to sleep, but very lately she wont go to sleep if she is not being hold ...


Help for Rolling Tonite!

W.A. asks from Rochester

For the past 2 weeks off and on my 5 mos son has flipped himself on his tummy at night and during some naps, and gets hysterical as he can't flip back (he will during...


Fussy 6 Wk Old...

C.B. asks from Dallas

My baby girl has been so fussy for the past few days now and it seems like no matter what i do she wont stop bein that way. everything i try she just cries, well she ...


Help Infant Will Not Stay Asleep When I Lay Her Down.

D. asks from Dallas

Please help my 4 week old will not stay asleep when I lay her down. She sleeps fine as long as we hold her. She will not sit in her bouncer or swing she just screams ...