Non-hormonal Birth Control - Milner,GA

Updated on July 13, 2011
B.C. asks from Milner, GA
18 answers

I have been on the pill (various different kinds) for almost 10 years. I am thinking that the hormones are having adverse affects on me. I have ZERO desire for sex. I struggle with depression at times. I am tired most of the time. I just don't feel like myself any more and I have had enough. I am looking at different options for non-hormonal birth control and I was wondering if anyone out there can tell me about the non-hormonal contriceptives you use and if you like it. I have two beautiful daughters and, quite frankly, I am done having any more. I really wish my husband would get a vasectomy. I just don't think we can afford that.

***I have no health insurance so everything is going to be out of pocket and I don't have much in my pocket! I have been considering a diaphram and also monitoring my cycles. I'm nervous because I don't want to end up pregnant again but I would rather get pregnant again than take the pill.

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answers from Lynchburg on

Dear BC-

I have no help per se...

Except to say to all moms who are afraid of menapause...IT IS WONDERFUL!!!! lol

I have NEVER felt better (read sexy) in my life!! Plus, any weight gain has gone directly to my breasts!! WOO HOO!! Cleavage again...with OUT breast feeding!

Won't help you in the 'here and now'...but for ME...has been like teenage years again...and in a good way!

***Hoping it does not mean the beginning of 2nd childhood!!**

Best Luck!



answers from Flagstaff on

I recently stoopped taking the pill to have another baby. I realized the pill is what was killing my sex drive. I didn't realize that was what was causing it until I stopped taking it. All of a sudden after stopping, I actually wanted to have sex more than once a month. I don't have any suggestions on alternate methods of birth control, but after I have the baby I will need something and definitely know I do not want to be on the pill again if it is going to cause me to not want to have sex. I am interested to hear other suggestions as well.

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answers from Chicago on

Check with your insurance provider some cover all or part of the cost of a vasectomy!
The cheapest non-hormonal method for family planning is Fertility Awareness (well, other than abstinence, but you will probably "pay" for that in other ways :). Reading Toni Weschler's Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a great guide to learning about your cycles and monitoring them.
Then there are barrier methods (condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap). Cervical caps are one of the least effective methods, especially in women who have had children already. I am sure you are familiar with condoms. Diaphragms are not very common anymore, but are the best option for some women. Not the highest rate of effectiveness though; I wouldn't feel confident using one if I was really done having children.
Copper IUDs (Paragard) are a great option, they can be a bit pricey up front but last 10+ years so in the end are very economical. Check with your insurance provider, they may cover all or part of the IUD.
Permanent methods for you (Essure, tubal ligation) are often more expensive than vasectomy, so I am guessing those are not an option either. Besides, the fact that they are more expensive, they are less effective than a vasectomy, and at least with the tubal ligation, more invasive, painful and higher rate of complications.
I don't have personal experience to share, but i plan to get the copper IUD soon. I have 4 kids and think I am done, but I like having the option of changing my mind if I want. It is very effective and hormone free.
Not a ton of options out there, hope you find one that works for you.

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answers from San Diego on

I've been down this road. I can not use anything with hormones which leaves out he pill, Nuvaring and one of the IUDs.
If you are not allergic to copper there is an IUD you can use. But make sure you're not allergic to copper. There are people that are allergic, myself being one.
With the barriers you need a spermacide. Again, make sure you're not allergic to that. You guessed it, I'm allergic to that too.
Check with your insurance, vasectomys are often covered and cost nothing more than your copay. We were surprised by that. It would cost us practically nothing.
Right now we use family planning. The book recommended by Teri Winsler "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" is an amazing book to read. The one problem I have it is that the times when you "want it" the most is when you're ovulating because the hormones are higest for obsious reasons and it sucks having to say no.



answers from Atlanta on

I couldn't take birth control pills that were estrogen based but I did take the progesterone only pill called Micronor. I eventually got tired of taking something every day so now we monitor using the methods described in "Taking Charge of your Fertility." I don't do everything she suggests but I just know when I ovulate and use a "thingie" ;) on those days. It has worked for us for almost 10 years. We had our beautiful children exactly when we wanted to. It's been great. When we do decide that we are done (we will be trying for 1 more) then I think my husband will have a vasectomy. That way you don't have to worry about anything or time anything. It does take a little extra effort to follow your cycle and time things just right.



answers from Detroit on

I have the Paraguard IUD because I have a history of blood clots and my doctor did not want me using anything hormonal. It was uncomfortable having it put in, and I felt super-crampy for the first 24 hours or so, but otherwise it's been fine. My periods have been heavier but shorter, and they don't come right on schedule like before - sometimes they are a week to 10 days late. It's good for 10 years. I do like that it's in there and I don't have to think about it or remember to take anything every day. But unless you can get it covered by insurance, you would have to pay for it out-of-pocket - for me it would have been around $800 if I didn't have the insurance to cover it. But it's still cheaper than having another child and raising them until age 18.



answers from Atlanta on

I was like you about a year ago-so sick and tired of Birth Control and the way it made me feel. I went off and could not decide what I wanted to do and well I ended up preggers but miscarried. ( I guess God knows what is best for ya at the time). Finally after struggling with Birth Control pills yet again after the miscarriage because I didn't want to go through that again anytime soon. I bled for 5-6 weeks because it was the "Seasonique" that you only have a period once every three months and it totally screwed everything up in my system-but I had been on it before and knew it would take time for my body to adjust. Combined with the fact that I found out it was going to cost me $150.00 to get it refilled I decided I was going to go with the Paraguard IUD (non-hormonal one) All I had to pay was my co-pay which is supposed to be $40.00 but my doc always cuts it down to 20-25 bucks-I love him ;()) Well I have had it for two months now and I think I am really loving it. My best friend has had hers for almost the three years and she said she would get another one when its time (they are good up to three years).
Vasectomy isn't within my vocabulary yet because after I had the miscarriage I felt like I wasn't ready for it "right now" but I'm just not ready to say that I am totally done too. The IUD gives me that opportunity to decide without a whole bunch of side effects. I noticed my bleeding was a little bit more and I have had some cramping but I have been told within time it levels out. My friend told me to give it 6 months and if I'm not happy go get it out but even the heavier bleeding is all worth it to me if my hormones aren't affected, it prevents the pregnancy, all without me even having to think or remember to take something or do anything before well you know ........



answers from Appleton on

Today sponges. I used them years ago then they went off the market, they've been back about 5 years. Work great--no hormones.



answers from Scranton on

I had paragaurd after my 4 year old. I had it about a year and found myself pregnant! oops! Most people will say if you do get prego with an iud it will miscarry. Well I have an adorable 2 year old boy to prove that is not true. I did like it before I got prego. They are soppose to be as effective as a yubal and for most people they are. I was of the tiny percentage. Just wanted to put my voice in also.



answers from Spartanburg on

diaphragms are not very effective after you have had kids so probably not your best bet. Paraguard IUD lasts 10 years, it's expensive up front but may be worth it if you look at long term. also, condoms?


answers from Sacramento on

I have an IUD - I love it


answers from Dallas on

I have the paragard iud. It hurt alot to get put in and my periods are a little heavier but its worth it. Lasts ten yrs and my doc told me its as effective as a tubal. Good luck



answers from Augusta on

Even without insurance, check into the cost of a vasectomy. Here in Augusta, my hubby's will only be $350 (our insurance won't cover it) - about the same cost as me taking hormonal birth control for 7 months. Maybe use a more cost effective means for a few months to save up then see if you can work out a payment plan for the rest with the dr.



answers from Allentown on

I've never been happy with any of the non-hormonal bc methods I've tried. On the vasectomy issue, definitely check with your insurance company. Dh paid $75 a few weeks ago. ;-)


answers from Cleveland on

I hate hormonal BC. NEver did good with me.
So i got the Paraguard IUD.
I've had it for almost a year now, and I really dont have any complaints.
It was a lil painful to have put in and I had some cramping for the first few days. Otherwise no problems.
They say it can cause heavier periods, and of course there are very rare bigger side effects.
I say look into it.



answers from Atlanta on

I used to use a diaphragm and it worked, but I didn't love it. I'm like you HATE the pill! My husband had a vasectomy, so that's been wonderful! Check around, but you should be able to get him a vasectomy between $400 and $600. Save up for a few months and do it! You'll spend that much in a year between a doctor's visit for a diaphragm, the actual diaphragm and the gel you have to buy to put in it.

***I see you're in Milner. Go eat at The Lighthouse for me!



answers from Atlanta on

Please let me know when you get a response for a non-hormonal contraceptive. I took several types of birth control for several years & KNOW it made my sex drive take a dive and caused me to be mildly depressed. An update on your decision would because great help. Thank you!



answers from Washington DC on

I used a copper IUD for 4 years, and it was GREAT being off the hormones. Nothing to remember, nothing to worry about, easy insertion (and removal, when I decided I was ready). The only drawback was my periods got a little heavier, but it was no big deal.

Also - go get your thyroid function checked! You might have an underactive thyroid, like me. It really affects your moods, energy level, and overall vitality, and can be corrected with a simple supplement.

Best of luck to you.

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